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The latest news and updates from DRAFT


Posted by RWDH on 09 07 2015.

workbix | WordPress Managed Hosting | California | Partner | Performance | Best Hosting | Shared Work Spaces

The Who?

WorkBix is a shared office space for startups and small businesses. WorkBix provides spacious, bright, and filled with natural light office spaces. Ideal office mate includes start-ups, contractors, and freelancers in which we offer complimentary professional services.

WorkBix strives to provide their partners a comfortable, secure, and private atmosphere. As the right partner, we provide appropriate support.

In the nearest future, Worbix will be implementing administrative services such as marketing, accounting, development and other essential services at a highly discounted rate.


The Why?

We had the opportunity to work with WorkBix, LLC. They were looking for a hassle-free solution to suffice his business needs to host and have a reliable, fast and secured managed WordPress presence and a fully managed server hosting.

  1. Better support
  2. Security
  3. Performance
  4. Fast service
  5. Tracking


The How?

  1. BETTER SUPPORT: We worked non stop till we have migrated and configured a VPS for workbix to utilize and optmize all content delivery. At DRAFT we leverage, xcache, memcached, mod_pagespeed and other optimization technology to provide quick and reliable access to content with 100% up-time.
  2. SECURITY : our server are tightly monitored and configure to avoid any intrusion; we also keep a close eye on the plugins installed on WP to prevent malformed request and any possible security breach
  3. PERFORMANCE: We are speed addicted and we want to make sure each of our servers are optimized to run WordPress and PHP/MySQL. Providing code optimization and cache delivery system to the service the fastest content possible. This is done by pre-compiling code with XCache or delivering content through CDN and leveraging CACHE system on the right places.
  4. TRACKING: We have several forms of metrics to track who is coming to your site and from where; ranging from Google Analytics, Google Webmaster, Bing Webmaster, Cloud Flare analytics and others. What is measured, gets improved.  We want to see Right In Sight Charters succeed. We want all our customer to succeed.


If you are looking for a new hosting/development solution.

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